We were happy to participate in the recent groundbreaking of the Houweling’s Mona Greenhouse operations. As the general site work contractor for this state-of-the-art greenhouse facility, Sunroc Corporation is proud to help this company celebrate its start in Utah.
The project consists of building a 28-acre greenhouse that will utilize the waste heat and CO2 from the nearby gas fired Currant Creek Power Plant for energy. This means that between 95 and 100 percent of site heat needs will be captured from the exhaust stack of the Currant Plant – an energy source that had previously gone untapped. This unique Ultra-Clima growing system is the first of its kind in the United States and offers year-round crop yield while reducing environmental impact for the community.
Casey Houwelings, President of Houwelings Tomatoes, said this type of greenhouse tomato production also offers benefits in terms of water conservation. When planted in a greenhouse of this type, a tomato can be grown with 6 to 10 times the efficiency of a tomato produced under standard crop conditions.
Juab County Officials expect the project to ultimately provide upwards of 200 jobs for the county of 11,000 residents.
We are proud to work on projects that offer sustainability through innovative solutions.